
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Tech 2

Today at tech we continued with our movie I am so close to finishing my movie I just have to film it because the hole time I was there I was testing and coding. Mostly I was looking for ideas from other people not copying just looking for ideas then finally I snapped the perfect idea came to me a maze and by the way everyone was in a group and had partners but I worked a lone and I was the only one almost finished I made my m bot avoid any object. I programed mine to know the maze off by heart the maze looks extremely hard. My m bot will avoid any object by going forward or to the left really fast I turned everything to 100%, another group that had 3 people was doing a police chase and the other group was doing a animation.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Today at tech we did some more robotics and when we got there we had a task to warm up our brains and the task was to find a  code for the M bot to drive and stop from falling off the edge and I won and the prize was a high five. After that task I continued with my movie of robotics I put super ultrasonic's in my code so it will avoid any object it comes across. That's the good thing about because I'm doing a maze. Some other people are doing police chases with there M bots but I am the only one that's doing a maze instead of police chases.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Rhythm Interactive's visit to PBS

Image result for djembeToday Rhythm Interactive visited PBS for drumming. Me and my class Learning space 2 had to partner up with a junior from room 1 or room 4 our instructor was Johnny. He had a loud voice and good drumming experience. People in our school had a really good time drumming. His theme was Together we can make a change. The drum we used was called a Djembe. Rhythm Interactive

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Inference in Maths

kiwi can

Two days ago on Wednesday we had kiwi can and we played some fun games with a partner and it was all about trusting someone when you are in no condition.We did a example like we had to get into a group of two and 1 of you had to close your eyes.It was tag we were playing 1 of you are blind folded and the person in front can't be tagged but the back person that is blind folded can be tagged and if the back person did get tagged both of you are out.Two of yous have to take turns of each station the guardian and the hider everyone gets up into partners and try to tag the back person but it doesn't count if you tag the person in the front.I think the moral of that game was to trust one another.

Hiwi the Kiwi

On Wednesday that was two days ago, Hiwi the Kiwi came to our school to preform.They looked familiar because they came to preform at my old primary school.I knew some of the songs they preformed.I really enjoyed the performance it was funny,lots of singing and good advice to go fishing.The music really made the crowd dance and sing along and I thought that was really nice for them to come to our school and put their time aside for us and all we want to say is a big thank you and it was good to see them again.


Today at tech we continued our work from our last lessons.The way the little coding cars are going it might be the future cars some people don't like to drive and it will be much easier for people to find the destinations.This is all to do with algorithm and all the other words we learned I'm guessing.

Monday, June 17, 2019


Yesterday we did ballet.It was so new to me because I have never in my life have been to watch it or do it but yesterday I did do it. I thought ballet was only for girls but then I knew boys did it too.So I tried my best 100% into it and I couldn't believe someone flew from Wellington to Auckland just to show us  how to dance.It was really nice to put her time aside to come to our school.Her name was Chloe she was the instructor for the Ballet.All we want to say from LS 2 is a big thank you to Chloe.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Robot Cars From Tech

 Today at tech we did coding on computers this is my first day doing it at Tamaki collage.But they did it before me because I was a way and we downloaded the coding into the computer.We did lots of some I didn't understand and then I raised my hand and asked for help and then I  could understand coding.But I still couldn't find out how to make it work so this is how we did it we coded on computers and plugged a plug in the mini car and plugged in the computer.When we uploaded it then we wait for it to load to 100% then we unplug it then starts up and it does everything you coded it to do it was amazing Iv'e never seen a thing like that then when it came to the end of the lesson the teachers quickly showed us a cool video like it almost looked like cars and they coded the car and the man that was sitting in there and there was a little screen that had a map on it and the car was actually following the destination on the screen and the guy didn't have to drive and staring wheel turned by it's self. 


Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Yuri Gagarin Animation

This week in reading we used our creative skills to create an animation or an explainer movie about Yuri Gagarin. My group divided in half since our group was big. I was with Chavda, Karlos, Jayden, Jonathan and Sakina. My group and I decided to create an animation. Before we created the animation, we planned it as a group. On a piece of paper we drew a S to include the information we wanted about Yuri Gagarin from the start to the finish. After planning the information about Yuri Gagarin, we started creating our animation. Each person was given a job, like drawing the background or drawing Yuri Gagarin and more, from our leader, Chavda. My group and I worked together as a team and helped each other to complete our animation. I think that everyone in my group had great create skills and are really talented in drawing digitally.

Monday, May 13, 2019

First Up Summary

This week for reading we read a story called first up, witch is about a man called Yavi Gagarin who launched into space and orbited earth. We created a DLO  showing a summary of the text first up